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Most Useful VScode Shortcuts

·1691 words·8 mins· 0 · 0 ·
Table of Contents

Introduction #

Visual Studio Code (VScode) is a powerful code editor, and mastering its keyboard shortcuts can greatly enhance your productivity. This article serves as a comprehensive cheat sheet for some of the most useful VScode keyboard shortcuts. The shortcuts may vary slightly depending on your operating system (Linux, Windows, or MacOS).

Editing #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + X Cut the current line (no need for selection).
Ctrl + C Copy the current line (no need for selection).
Alt + ↓/↑ Move the current line up or down.
Ctrl + / Toggle line comment for the current line or selection.
Ctrl + Shift + I Format the entire document.
Ctrl + . Trigger quick fixes and suggestions.
F12 Rename the symbol under the cursor.
Ctrl + H Open the Find and Replace dialog.

Display #

Shortcut Description
F11 Toggle full-screen mode.
Ctrl + B Toggle the sidebar.
Ctrl + K V Show a Markdown preview of the current file.
Ctrl + K Z Enter or exit Zen mode, providing a distraction-free environment.
Ctrl + \ Split the editor. Change the active pane with Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, etc.
`Ctrl + `` Show or hide the terminal (backtick).

Navigation #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + G Go to a specific line in the file.
Ctrl + Alt/Shift + - Navigate back/forward through the cursor’s location history.
Ctrl + P Quickly open files or navigate to a specific file.
Ctrl + K Z Enter or exit Zen mode, offering a full-screen editor with no distractions.
Ctrl + T Show all symbols in the current file.
Ctrl + Shift + O Go to a specific symbol within the current file.

Debug #

Shortcut Description
F8 Go to the next error or warning in the Problems panel.
F9 Toggle a breakpoint at the current line.
F5 Start or continue debugging.
F11/Shift+F11 Step into or out of a function during debugging.

Source Control #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Shift + G Open the source control (Git) panel.
Ctrl + Shift + J Open the source control (SVN) panel.

Terminal #

Shortcut Description
`Ctrl + `` Create a new terminal.
`Ctrl + Shift + `` Create a new terminal in split view.

Extensions #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Shift + P Show the command palette, allowing you to run various VScode commands and extensions.
Ctrl + Shift + X Open the Extensions view, where you can manage your VScode extensions.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + X Show the Extensions menu for quick extension management.
Ctrl + Shift + C Install new extensions directly from VScode.
Ctrl + Shift + I Show the extensions installed in the current workspace.

Integrated Terminal #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + C Terminate the currently running command in the integrated terminal.
Ctrl + Space Trigger code suggestions and auto-completion in the integrated terminal.
Ctrl + Up Scroll up in the integrated terminal.
Ctrl + Down Scroll down in the integrated terminal.

Zen Mode #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + K Z Enter or exit Zen mode, providing a full-screen editor with no distractions.

Search and Replace #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + F Open the Find dialog to search for text in the current file.
Ctrl + H Open the Replace dialog to find and replace text in the current file.
F3 Find the next occurrence of the search term.
Shift + F3 Find the previous occurrence of the search term.
Alt + Enter Select all occurrences of the search term in the document.
Ctrl + F2 Select all occurrences of the current word under the cursor.
Ctrl + D Add the current selection to the next find match.

Version Control #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Shift + K Commit changes to your version control system (e.g., Git).
Ctrl + Alt + M Resolve merge conflicts when working with version control.
Ctrl + Alt + S Push changes to your version control system.
Ctrl + Alt + U Pull changes from your version control system.
Ctrl + Shift + L Open the Source Control Status view.

Files and Folders #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + N Create a new file.
Ctrl + O Open an existing file.
Ctrl + S Save the current file.
Ctrl + W Close the current file.
Ctrl + F4 Close the active editor.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + O Show the current file in the File Explorer.
Ctrl + K P Copy the file path of the current file to the clipboard.

Debugging #

Shortcut Description
F9 Add or remove a breakpoint at the current line.
F10 Step over while debugging.
Shift + F5 Stop the debugging session.
Ctrl + Shift + F5 Restart the debugging session.

Emmet Abbreviations #

Shortcut Description
Tab Expand Emmet abbreviations when working with HTML and CSS.

Code Navigation #

Shortcut Description
Alt + Left/Right Navigate back and forward between cursor positions.
Ctrl + - Go to the last edit location.
Ctrl + F6 Navigate editor group history.
Ctrl + M Toggle the menu bar.
Ctrl + T Go to a specific file symbol within the current file.

Git Lens (if you have the extension installed) #

Shortcut Description
Alt + G Toggle Git Lens Blame to see the Git blame annotation.
Alt + P Toggle Git Lens Previous Changes to see previous changes in Git.
Alt + N Toggle Git Lens Next Changes to see next changes in Git.
Alt + Shift + P Toggle Git Lens Uncommitted Changes to see uncommitted changes.
Alt + Shift + N Toggle Git Lens Current Changes to see current changes in Git.

Code Folding #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + (K, 0-9) Fold or unfold code levels from 1 to 9.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 0 Fold or unfold all code levels.
Ctrl + (K, J) Fold all code in the editor.
Ctrl + (K, L) Unfold all code in the editor.

Multi-Cursor and Selection #

Shortcut Description
Alt + Click Add a new cursor at the clicked location.
Ctrl + Alt + Down Add a cursor below the current line.
Ctrl + Alt + Up Add a cursor above the current line.
Shift + Alt + I Insert a cursor at the end of each line in the current selection.

Commenting #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + K Ctrl + C Comment the selected lines.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + U Uncomment the selected lines.

Zen Mode #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + K Z Enter or exit Zen mode, providing a full-screen editor with no distractions.

Emmet Actions #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Alt + Enter Expand an abbreviation with Emmet.
Tab Expand an abbreviation when working with Emmet.

Selection and Navigation #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + D Select the word under the cursor or the next occurrence of the word.
Ctrl + U Undo the last cursor operation.
Ctrl + L Select the entire current line.
Ctrl + Shift + L Select all occurrences of the current selection.
Ctrl + Alt + Down Add cursors below the current cursor positions.
Ctrl + Alt + Up Add cursors above the current cursor positions.
Ctrl + Left/Right Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current word.

Indentation #

Shortcut Description
Tab Indent the current line or selected lines.
Shift + Tab Outdent the current line or selected lines.
Ctrl + [ / ] Indent or outdent the current line or selected lines.

Formatting #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + K Ctrl + F Format the entire document according to the language-specific rules.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + S Sort the lines in the selection.
Alt + Shift + F Format the current selection according to the language-specific rules.

Terminal #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + T Create a new terminal.
Ctrl + W Close the terminal panel.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + C Copy the current selection from the terminal.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + V Paste the clipboard content into the terminal.
Ctrl + Home/End Scroll to the top or bottom of the terminal.

Code Actions #

Shortcut Description
Alt + Enter Show available code actions, including quick fixes and refactorings.
Ctrl + . Trigger the Quick Fix and refactoring menu for the selected code.

Extensions #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Shift + P Show the command palette for running VScode commands and extensions.
Ctrl + Shift + X Open the Extensions view for managing VScode extensions.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + X Show the Extensions menu for quick extension management.
Ctrl + Shift + C Install new extensions directly from VScode.
Ctrl + Shift + I Show the extensions installed in the current workspace.

Git Integration #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Alt + G Stage changes in Git.
Ctrl + Shift + D Show the Git Changes view.
Ctrl + Alt + C Open the Git Blame annotation for the current line.
Ctrl + K Ctrl + G Show the Git Graph for a visual representation of Git history.

Debugging #

Shortcut Description
F9 Add or remove breakpoints in your code.
F10 Step over functions while debugging.
Shift + F5 Stop the debugging session.
F11/Shift+F11 Step into or out of functions while debugging.

Intellisense #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Space Trigger code suggestions and auto-completion.
Ctrl + Shift + Space Trigger parameter hints for function calls.

Markers #

Shortcut Description
F2 Go to the next error or warning in the current file.
Shift + F2 Go to the previous error or warning in the current file.
Ctrl + F8 Toggle code markers in the editor.
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Show code markers in the Problems panel.

Miscellaneous #

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + P Use Quick Open to quickly navigate to a file.
Ctrl + T Go to a specific file symbol in the workspace.
Ctrl + E Show the list of recent files.
Ctrl + J Toggle various panels (Output, Terminal, Problems, etc.).
Ctrl + K Ctrl + M Change the language mode for the current file.

These shortcuts cover a wide range of actions within VScode, and mastering them can significantly improve your coding efficiency. Feel free to refer back to this cheat sheet whenever you need a quick reminder of a particular shortcut.


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