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Things You Can Do with GitHub

·1395 words·7 mins· 0 · 0 ·
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Table of Contents

GitHub is the go-to place for storing source code for developers. You are missing out on all the good bits of GitHub if you only use it for storing your code. Using GitHub to its full potential will make your life as a developer easier and more productive. In this article, I’ll show you all the great stuff you can do with GitHub.

Let’s go from the most used features to the lesser-known ones.

1. Code Hosting #

Of course, this is what GitHub is most known for. Keep a backup of your source code online, be it public or private, and access it with ease.

2. Code Collaboration #

The magic of code collaboration at GitHub happens with Pull Requests (PR) and Code Reviews. Master them to fully collaborate with developers around the world.

3. Issue Tracker #

An issue tracking system is a must-have for any software team. GitHub’s Issue Tracker is your treasure map for project bugs, features, and todos. Streamline teamwork by tagging, assigning, and discussing tasks in one central hub.

4. Releasing Software #

The Releases page in a repo acts as the launchpad of many software. Binary files, executables, and compiled scripts meant for client usage can be kept here with proper versioning.

5. Wikis & Documentation #

GitHub Wikis and Documentation are a knowledge oasis. Create crystal-clear guides, tutorials, and FAQs to welcome users and contributors with open arms. Elevate your project with organized wisdom, making the journey from setup to mastery a breeze!

6. Project Board #

Project Management steers your team’s ship through waves of tasks and milestones. Visualize progress, create tickets, streamline workflows, and captain your projects to success with customizable boards and agile insights. From ideation to completion, set sail for efficiency and conquer the seas of collaboration!

7. Portfolio #

Your profile on GitHub can act as a great portfolio. Customize your profile to show off projects you are proud of or show off your coding stats with style.

8. Social Media #

All the great developers are on GitHub. So follow your favorite devs and see what they are doing and how they are doing it. Although you can’t directly message developers yet, you can always communicate through discussions, PRs, and issues or maybe even dig up their social links. Follow me!

9. Follow News #

Explore the latest topics, trends, updates, and innovations in the tech world. From open-source breakthroughs to programming insights, GitHub’s newsfeed keeps you plugged into the pulse of the digital landscape.

10. Place for Learning #

Not all repositories in GitHub are codebases. A plethora of repositories contain just educational contents, coding challenges, and resources that empower your growth as a developer. From tutorials to real-world projects, GitHub is where knowledge flows freely, aiding your journey to mastery.

11. Host Static Sites #

Scared of paying high fees for hosting? Host static websites on GitHub Pages for FREE. Use it for personal portfolios or project documentation, or whatever static site you want. GitHub Pages makes static site hosting a breeze for tech enthusiasts and creators alike. This very blog and even my portfolio are hosted on GitHub pages.

12. Code Search Engine #

Where Google search results will fail to bring you a code snippet, GitHub code search will succeed. Explore an expansive realm of code using GitHub’s search engine, unveiling libraries, snippets, and insights to fuel your projects.

13. CI/CD Platform #

Embrace the power of CI/CD pipelines to seamlessly test, build, and deploy your projects, automating the journey from code to production. With GitHub Actions as your CI/CD, deliver software better, safer, and faster.

14. Virtual Coding Environment #

Tired of setting up your coding environment every time on a new computer? Enter CodeSpaces! Step into a virtual environment with CodeSpaces, transforming any browser into a VScode editor. Code, build, and even run servers directly from your browser seamlessly!

15. Sponsorships #

Are you a maintainer of an awesome repository that people find useful? Ask for sponsorships by attaching a sponsorship button to your repo. Get funded by the community to sustain your open-source projects and turn your passion into a possibility.

16. Classroom #

Are you a teacher? Streamline assignments and coding exercises in a structured, collaborative environment, where teachers guide and students thrive. Automatically grade assignments and review code for a better teaching experience.

17. A Data Mine #

GitHub is a gold mine of software artifacts. With all the different repositories, discussions, bug reports, and PRs, it is a great source of data. This data can be used by researchers to get insights and develop new tools. The great part is that all this data is available through the GitHub REST API.

18. Security Alerts #

GitHub provides security alerts for vulnerabilities in your project’s dependencies. It helps you keep track of potential security issues and provides recommendations on how to fix them.

19. Code Analysis #

GitHub offers code analysis tools to help you identify and fix code quality issues, code duplication, and more. This can improve the overall health of your codebase.

20. Continuous Integration #

Integrate your GitHub repository with popular CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) platforms like Travis CI, CircleCI, Jenkins, or GitHub Actions to automate your build, test, and deployment processes.

21. GitHub Marketplace #

Explore and use a wide range of third-party applications and tools from the GitHub Marketplace to enhance your development workflow, project management, and more.

22. Code Statistics #

GitHub provides statistics on your codebase, including contributions over time, code frequency, and more. It can help you analyze the activity and health of your project.

23. Gists #

Gists are like small, shareable repositories for code snippets, notes, and other content. You can create gists to share code with others or to save code snippets for your own reference.

24. Commit Signing #

Enhance the security of your commits by signing them with GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) keys, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of your code.

25. GitHub Pages Custom Domains #

If you’re hosting a static site on GitHub Pages, you can configure a custom domain to make it accessible via your own domain name.

26. GitHub Desktop #

GitHub Desktop is a user-friendly desktop application for managing your repositories, making it easier to clone, commit, and push code.

27. Emoji Reactions #

GitHub supports emoji reactions on issues, pull requests, and comments, making it easier to express your thoughts and reactions to discussions.

28. Dependency Management #

Leverage GitHub’s dependency graph and Dependabot to keep your project’s dependencies up to date and secure.

29. GitHub CLI #

GitHub CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to interact with GitHub from your terminal. You can perform various GitHub actions without leaving your command line interface.

30. GitHub Education #

If you’re a student or a teacher, GitHub Education offers free access to GitHub Pro and various resources to support learning and collaboration in the classroom.

31. GitHub Sponsors Matching #

As a sponsor, GitHub offers matching contributions to double the impact of your financial support for open-source projects.

32. GitHub Archive Program #

GitHub Archive Program preserves and archives open-source software for future generations. You can explore and access significant historical code repositories.

33. Licensing and Compliance #

GitHub helps you manage and enforce licenses for your open-source projects, making it easier to understand and comply with licensing requirements.

34. GitHub Advanced Security #

For enterprise users, GitHub offers advanced security features like code scanning, secret scanning, and more to protect your code and infrastructure.

35. GitHub Copilot #

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code assistant that provides suggestions, auto-completions, and code examples as you write code in your IDE.

36. GitHub Discussions #

GitHub Discussions is a community forum for open-source projects, enabling discussions, Q&A, and collaboration among contributors and users.

37. CodeSpaces for Organizations #

CodeSpaces allows organizations to provide development environments in the cloud, making it easier for teams to collaborate and code from anywhere.

38. GraphQL API #

GitHub’s GraphQL API offers a flexible and efficient way to query and interact with your repositories and data.

39. GitHub Actions for GitHub Apps #

Extend your GitHub Apps with custom GitHub Actions to automate tasks and workflows.

Discover the endless possibilities of GitHub, and make the most of this powerful platform to enhance your development, collaboration, and open-source contributions.


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