Nmap the Network Testing Tool
kali - This article is part of a series.
Nmap is a CLI based port scanner. As modern networking relies heavily on TCP ports, scanning these ports can expose valuable and critical data about a device on the network. These data can then be used to understand where vulnerabilities lie and how potential hackers can use them. Thus learning to port scan using Nmap is one of the first things a security researcher needs to grasp.
This guide contains the most valuable Nmap tricks/tips/commands that you can use for auditing/hacking a device on the network.
1. Target Specification #
These are the basic commands to get started with nmap. It shows how different IPs can be targeted or filtered.
nmap Scan a single IP
nmap Scan specific IPs
nmap Scan a range
nmap scanme.nmap.org Scan a domain
nmap Scan using CIDR notation
-iL nmap -iL targets.txt Scan targets from a file
-iR nmap -iR 100 Scan 100 random hosts
--exclude nmap --exclude Exclude listed hosts
2. Scan Techniques #
A port can be opened through many protocols (TCP/UDP) and can be put behind many types of firewall configurations. That’s why a port scan can be accomplished with multiple techniques. This is where knowledge of networking really comes in handy so that you know when to apply which type of port scans. The following are different techniques of scanning a port.
-sS nmap -sS TCP SYN port scan (Default)
-sT nmap -sT TCP connect port scan (Default without root privilege)
-sU nmap -sU UDP port scan
-sA nmap -sA TCP ACK port scan
-sW nmap -sW TCP Window port scan
-sM nmap -sM TCP Maimon port scan
3. Host Discovery #
Sometimes you may want to scan a network to discover which hosts are up. After discovering the available hosts you can then scan the ports. The following presents different ways a host can be discovered on a network.
-sL nmap -sL No Scan. List targets only
-sn nmap -sn Disable port scanning. Host discovery only.
-Pn nmap -Pn Disable host discovery. Port scan only.
-PS nmap -PS22-25,80 TCP SYN discovery on port x. Port 80 by default
-PA nmap -PA22-25,80 TCP ACK discovery on port x. Port 80 by default
-PU nmap -PU53 UDP discovery on port x. Port 40125 by default
-PR nmap -PR ARP discovery on the local network
-n nmap -n Never do DNS resolution
4. Port Specification #
A computer usually serves ports from the range 0-65535. Scanning all ports is not usually feasible because scanning a single port can be time-consuming. You can specify which ports to scan reduce scan targets and get faster results. Ideally, you would want to scan ports where services are commonly opened. For example HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), SSH (22), 8080, etc.
-p nmap -p 21 Port scan for port x
-p nmap -p 21-100 Port range
-p nmap -p U:53,T:21-25,80 Port scan multiple TCP and UDP ports
-p- nmap -p- Port scan all ports
-p nmap -p http,https Port scan from service name
-F nmap -F Fast port scan (100 ports)
--top-ports nmap --top-ports 2000 Port scan the top x ports
-p-65535 nmap -p-65535 Leaving off initial port in range makes the scan start at port 1
-p0- nmap -p0- Leaving off end port in range makes the scan go through to port 65535
5. Service and Version Detection #
Detect OS version and more information about a service running on a port.
nmap -A Enables OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute
nmap -sV Attempts to determine the version of the service running on port
nmap -sV --version-intensity 8 Intensity level 0 to 9. Higher number increases possibility of correctness
nmap -sV --version-light Enable light mode. Lower possibility of correctness. Faster
nmap -sV --version-all Enable intensity level 9. Higher possibility of correctness. Slower
6. OS Detection #
nmap -O Remote OS detection using TCP/IP stack fingerprinting
nmap -O --osscan-limit If at least one open and one closed TCP port are not found it will not try OS detection against host
nmap -O --osscan-guess Makes Nmap guess more aggressively
nmap -O --max-os-tries 1 Set the maximum number x of OS detection tries against a target
7. Timing and Performance #
A port scan can be tricky in terms of time. A heavy port scan may raise the firewalls to filter all traffic coming from your PC. On the other hand, a slower scan may take a long time to be complete. You need to find the perfect balance for your case. The following will help to speed up/down your scan.
Modify scan speed #
-T0 nmap -T0 Paranoid (0) Intrusion Detection System evasion
-T1 nmap -T1 Sneaky (1) Intrusion Detection System evasion
-T2 nmap -T2 Polite (2) slows down the scan to useless bandwidth and use fewer target machine resources
-T3 nmap -T3 Normal (3) which is default speed
-T4 nmap -T4 Aggressive (4) speeds scans; assumes you are on a reasonably fast and reliable network
-T5 nmap -T5 Insane (5) speeds scan; assumes you are on an extraordinarily fast network
Parallelism/delays/timeouts #
Add timeouts to your scans so that a single port doesn’t take too long to scan. You can also enable parallelism to scan multiple hosts together.
--host-timeout <time> 1s; 4m; 2h Give up on target after this long
--initial-rtt-timeout <time> 1s; 4m; 2h Specifies probe round trip time
--max-hostgroup <size> 50; 1024 Parallel host scan group sizes
--max-parallelism <numprobes> 10; 1 Probe parallelization
--max-scan-delay <time> 20ms; 2s; 4m; Adjust delay between probes
--max-retries <tries> 3 Specify the maximum number of port scan probe retransmissions
--min-rate <number> 100 Send packets no slower than <numberr> per second
--max-rate <number> 100 Send packets no faster than <number> per second
8. Firewall Evasion and Spoofing #
A modern web server sits behinds firewalls. Evading these firewalls can be hard when the firewalls are tightly configured with high security. However, you may be able to evade intrusion detection by firewalls by applying the following techniques.
-f nmap -f Requested scan (including ping scans) use tiny fragmented IP packets.
Harder for packet filters
--mtu nmap --mtu 32 Set your own offset size
-D nmap -D, Send scans from spoofed IPs (decoys)
-S nmap -S www.microsoft.com Scan Facebook from Microsoft
www.facebook.com (-e eth0 -Pn may be required)
-g nmap -g 53 Use given source port number
--proxies nmap --proxies Relay connections through HTTP/SOCKS4 proxies
nmap --data-length 200 Appends random data to sent packets
9. Output #
Modify the output logged to the console by nmap. Alternatively, you can save the output to a file and then later resume a paused scan.
-v nmap -v Increase the verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater effect)
-oN nmap -oN normal.file Normal output to the file normal.file
-oA nmap -oA results Output in the three major formats at once
nmap -oN file --append-output Append a scan to a previous scan file
-d nmap -d Increase debugging level (use -dd or more for greater effect)
--reason nmap --reason Display the reason a port is in a particular state, same output as -vv
--open nmap --open Only show open (or possibly open) ports
--packet-trace nmap -T4 --packet-trace Show all packets sent and received
--iflist nmap --iflist Shows the host interfaces and routes
--resume nmap --resume results.file Resume a scan
That’s all the basic things about nmap you need to know. However, to be a master of nmap you need to be a master of networking. Learning the nitty-gritty details of TCP/UDP will give you a greater edge when scanning and put you far above the rest of the hackers. Until then keep practicing!