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Security Patch Manager

·887 words·5 mins· 0 · 0 ·
Linux Security github bash
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In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the critical task of maintaining the security of computer systems demands efficiency and precision. The Security Patch Manager, a Bash script developed by Armoghan-ul-Mohmin, stands as a testament to the commitment to robust cybersecurity practices. This script serves as a powerful tool for administrators, automating the process of checking and applying system security updates on Linux-based systems.

Introduction #

Background #

In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, the significance of promptly applying system security updates cannot be overstated. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, making it imperative to ensure that systems are equipped with the latest defenses. The Security Patch Manager emerges as a solution to the challenge of managing security updates efficiently.

Project Objective #

The core objective of the Security Patch Manager project is to create a user-friendly and efficient Bash script. This script aims to automate the often time-consuming process of managing system security updates. By providing administrators with a streamlined tool, the script enhances the overall security posture of Linux-based systems.

Script Overview #

Features #

  1. User-Friendly Interface: The script incorporates an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interface. It includes a dynamic ASCII banner, color-coded messages, and interactive menu options, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

  2. Root Privilege Handling: To ensure the script can perform necessary system operations, it checks for root privileges. Users have the option to run the script with elevated permissions using the --root option.

  3. Update Listing: Users can easily view available security updates in a neatly formatted table. The use of color-coded text enhances visibility and simplifies the identification of relevant information.

  4. Live Progress Bar: When applying security updates, the script provides real-time feedback through a live progress bar. This feature keeps users informed about the ongoing update process.

  5. Autoclean and Autoremove: The script includes options to execute apt autoclean and apt autoremove with improved formatting. This enhances the overall user experience by presenting results in a more organized and readable manner.

Script Flow #

Initialization: #

The script initiates by checking for root privileges, displaying an engaging ASCII banner, and presenting an interactive menu to guide users through available options.

Menu Options: #

  1. List Available Updates: This option allows users to view a detailed table of available security updates. The formatting, color-coding, and clear presentation facilitate quick comprehension.

  2. Apply Updates: Initiates the process of applying security updates. The live progress bar ensures users are aware of the update progress, enhancing transparency.

  3. Autoclean: Runs apt autoclean to remove obsolete packages from the local repository. The script presents the results in a well-organized tabular format, providing clarity on the cleanup process.

  4. Autoremove: Executes apt autoremove with improved formatting to display relevant information more effectively. This option aids users in managing unnecessary packages on their system.

  5. Exit: Allows users to gracefully exit the script, providing a concluding message.

Additional Functions #

  • Trap Ctrl+C: The script incorporates a mechanism to trap the Ctrl+C signal. This ensures a graceful exit in response to user interruptions, providing a positive user experience.

  • Version Display: Users can check the script version using the -v or --version option. This feature enables users to confirm the script’s current version.

  • Help Menu: The -h or --help option provides users with a comprehensive help menu. This menu outlines available options and their functionalities, ensuring users can make informed decisions.

Usage #

Running the Script #

To use the Security Patch Manager, users can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the script.

  3. Run the script with the desired options. For example:

    ./ --root

Menu Options #

Users have the following options within the script menu:

  • List available security updates
  • Apply security updates
  • Run apt autoclean
  • Run apt autoremove
  • Exit the script

Installation from GitHub #

To install the Security Patch Manager from the GitHub repository, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Clone the repository to your local machine:


This bash script allows to to check and apply system security updates for Debian Based Distros..

   git clone
  • Navigate to the script directory:
   cd Security-Patch-Manager
  • Run the script with the desired options. For example:
   sudo ./
    # or
   ./ -r
    # or
   ./ --root 

Conclusion #

The Security Patch Manager Bash script stands as a comprehensive solution for system administrators. By offering a streamlined approach to managing security updates on Linux systems, the script contributes to creating a more secure and well-maintained computing environment. With its intuitive interface, live progress feedback, and additional maintenance options, the script emerges as an indispensable tool for administrators seeking efficient cybersecurity practices.

Future Enhancements #

  1. Logging Mechanism: Comprehensive logging for auditing and troubleshooting.

  2. Cross-Distribution Compatibility: Support various Linux distributions and package managers.

  3. Automated Scheduling: Schedule updates for proactive security measures.

  4. Customizable Notifications: Alerts for completion, issues, or pending actions.

  5. Dependency Analysis: Transparent analysis of update impacts.

  6. Rollback Mechanism: Quick undo for unforeseen issues.

  7. Interactive Update Preview: Preview update impacts before applying.

  8. User Access Management: Define permissions for update operations.

  9. Offline Update Support: Update without internet connection.

  10. Integration with Centralized Management Tools: Seamless integration into management infrastructures.

  11. Community-driven Package Support: Community collaboration for additional software support.

Acknowledgments #

Contributions from the open-source community are welcomed on the project’s GitHub repository.

Ensure that the script is executed with caution, especially when applying updates and performing maintenance tasks on critical systems.


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